How will you motivate your subordinates if they:
4.1. Peter - likes and wears expensive clothes, seeks to have symbols of position in society (office, academic degree, rank, etc.), wants to meet corporate values, likes high-quality cars, lives in a prestigious district, seeks to be thought of as a professional, is proud of his work.
4.2. Jalal - dresses clean and tidy, has long-established personal habits, likes to get into details, is ready to defend himself from criticism, likes rules and instructions, needs accuracy and clarity of instructions, does not like changes and uncertainty, opposes changes at work, prefers to do everything himself because he knows how to do it properly, works a lot.
4.3. Elisabeth - works a lot to achieve the goal, her risks, likes to test her strength, organizer of games, thinks: “Life is a competition”, is jealous of rivals, always wants to win, does not know how to lose adequately, works poorly with team, is an individualist.
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