Consider any three credit cards and compare the additional facilities that each of these cards offer to their customers besides credit.
Expert's answer
Answeron Question #50291, Management, OtherTask:Consider any three credit cards and compare the additionalfacilities that each of these cards offer to their customers besides credit.Answer:Here we will consider 3 credit cards from different UK banks. Each ofthem can offer additional services. For example:- NatWesr – (Cash Back Plus - Set up your online account to manage your Rewards and find out how toredeem your Rewards):- Lloyds Bank – (Money Manager -Get the big picture on what’s going in and out of your Lloyds Bank Personal Current and Credit Card accounts);- Halifax – (Telephone Banking - if you have a Halifax bank account you can pay over the phone bycalling 08457 20 30 40. Your payment is normally credited to your account within 2 hours).
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