Togo Motors is a top automotive manufacturing company and has just completed wage
negotiations with the union representatives of their staff. The company employs HR staff,
machine operators, technicians and engineers. The management and unions agreed on a basic
salary of R60 000 and an across-the-board increase of 8.36% with effect from the following
month of that year. However, the employees are dissatisfied with the across-the-board increase
and the implementation of team-based incentives.
Outline the reasons why Togo Motors needs a favourable compensation system to
accomplish its goals and create a stable work environment.
People are always looking to put themselves in the best possible position financially
Properly compensating employees shows you value them as workers and as human beings
When employees are being paid well and are happy, they're likely to stay with the company
Happy employees are productive employees. Productivity in relation to compensation starts with employees feeling valued which increases motivation and loyalty
Creating the right compensation plan leads to stronger job satisfaction
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