Domestic cows can be bought for $200 each but Hybrid cows cost $500 each. The domestic cows produce 30 gallons of milk per week and the Hybrid ones produce 50 gallons of milk per week. A gallon of milk can be sold for $3. A cow costs $100 per week to feed. If the financial constraint is to spend $8000 for cows and the capacity constraint is that total number of cows to be bought cannot exceed 20 cows. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem, and find the optimal combination of domestic and hybrid cows that maximize the total profit earned using the graphic Method
The following variables are defined:
Ti, i = l, ... , 28 =Time, in weeks from
the end of the pretrail period.
A1 i, j = l, ..., 26 =Mean weekly milk
yield over 7 pre-trial
weeks, for the jth
A2i, j = l, ... , 26 =Mean weekly milk
yield over last 4
weeks of pre-trial
period, for the jth
A 3 j, j = l, ... , 26 = Mean weekly fatcorrected milk over 7
pre-trial weeks, for
the jth cow.
A4 j, j = l, ... , 26 =Mean weekly fatcorrected milk over
last 4 weeks of pretrial period, for the
jth cow.
W oi = Liveweight of jth cow at the
beginning of the trial period
(in pounds) .
W ii = Liveweight of jth cow in the
ith week of the trial period
(in pounds).
f:j_ Wii = Wii - W<i-!Ji =Change in liveweight from the
previous period
(in pounds).
0 ii = Concentrate consumed by jth cow in the ith period (pounds per week). Hii =Hay consumed by jth cow in the ith period (pounds per week). Mii =Milk yield of jth cow in the ith period (pounds per week). FOM·ii =Fat-corrected milk yield of the jth cow in the ith period (pounds per week).
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