In your immediate department, observe the communication taking place over a period of 2 weeks – then report on the following in a suitable report format:
a) The communication methods being applied in the workplace
b) How does this relate to application of the communication theory?
c) What can be done to improve the communication according to the theory?
d) Are employee’s engaging and interacting suitably?
e) Are there misunderstandings during because of the current communication?
f) Does conflict occur because of the current communications methods?
a)In a workplace communication method like verbal, body, phone and written communication are used. For verbal communication, keeping an even volume of tone, despite how the conversation is going, will calm employees. Body language can be the difference between a productive conversation and an unfruitful one. It’s always good to make sure that body language doesn't make the other person feel defensive or uncomfortable. During phone conversations, tone will be the defining factor in a good versus bad phone conversation. It’s good to make sure that the tone is professional, friendly and always represents the company well. Written communication can be the tricky because there are fewer indicators of how the written piece should be perceived. Nevertheless, little things like punctuation can make a difference in how something is perceived. Avoid using exclamation points as they can be taken as someone yelling or being aggressive instead of excitement.
b)Theories allow to organize and understand communication experiences, select communication behavior to study, broaden the understanding of human communication, predict and control communication situations, challenge current social and cultural relationships, and offer new ways of thinking and living.
c)Listen to what the other person is saying, instead of formulating own’s response. Ask for clarification to avoid misunderstandings. At that moment, the person speaking should be the most important person.
d)Employee engagement initiatives are usually part of a broader scheme designed to help develop staff, improve their performance and keep them happy at work.
e)A lot of misunderstandings at work happen when information is relayed between people. Poor communication can lead to confusion, reduced productivity and, in the worst case scenario, the loss of key clients or the failure of major projects.
f)Workplace conflict can be the result of several different situations but mostly the root cause is poor communication. Failure to communicate may cause employees to make wrong assumptions and believe in gossip. Poor communication not only causes conflict but also decreases productivity and employee morale.
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