In a recent conference, one of the presenters stated that the introduction of TQM (Total Quality Management) leads to the following in any organization:
–high motivation
–high productivity
–reduced errors and
–less work repetitions
As a quality management specialist, explain how and why each of these eventuates.
Word limit (maximum): 800 words
High motivation
Any type of company has to generate its results via its individuals. When any individual is aware that their work quality is being monitored and their performance would be rewarded further in specific organization way, they would focus more on improving their performance respectively in a positive way which would motivate other employees to work hard and create high motivation among all employees in the organization (Pambreni, Khatibi, Azam, & Tham, 2019). This process is designed in such a way that contentment of the higher quality work along with self-esteem and also self-actualization of employees leads to real inspiration and high motivation.
TQM helps to implement a strategy where employees are given the necessary opportunity to self-manage their work appropriately, they are empowered to decide their own essential choices and also be dealt with in a specific way that makes them own positive mindset along with treated in a respective way in their workplaces.
High productivity
There are two factors that lead to high productivity, First a motivated employee or worker to provide quality products or services, and second less or least errors in work which lead to full productivity ratio in the organization.
Any motivated individual will lead to a better quality of work and therefore provide better productivity further. Considering that TQM focused more on employee motivation to accomplish various goals along with continual improvement of work quality and better development of the firm’s services and strategies. This is why TQM naturally leads to high productivity by inspiring their workers to accomplish their goals effectively and this increases the firm’s productivity drastically.
Secondly, when workers produce qualified work, this leads to fewer to no errors which definitely increases sales of the organization. This helps to boost production effectiveness, decreases replacement/repair costs, and boosts overall client contentment. The decline in errors and replacement or repair cost of products decreases the input price and hence it leads to an increase of High productivity infirm.
Reduced errors
When every individual or worker is conscious and aware of the fact that, their quality of work is being measured and monitored constantly by the management team, He or she would be more aware and motivated to provide qualified work which is why TQM leads to fewer errors. With the help of continuous improvement practices and training for each individual along with better reward structure and motivation, practices help an organization to perform efficiently with better quality work which leads to fewer errors and lower production costs.
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