Logic model is sometimes called M&E framework or programme theory, and this has five essential components namely, inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes and impacts. Draft a hypothetical logic model with these components of a programme of choice. (25 marks)
Logic models are program planning tools that define the inputs, outputs, outcomes of a program in order to explain the thinking behind program design and show how specific program activities lead to desired results. Defining inputs, outputs, and outcomes early in program planning ensures a deliberate flow of activity to results. Logic models are visual tools that can help programs create action plans for activities. They also help program implementer's see the way in which the individual pieces fit into larger program objectives and goals. Logic models are also helpful for keeping track of program activities, including both achievements and issues that arise during the life of the program. Below is a discussion of an example program for managers or personnel who are not trained researchers themselves but who need to understand the rationale and process of conducting research. This guide can help managers to support the need for research and ensure that research staff have adequate resources to conduct the research that is needed to be certain that the program is evidence based and that results can be tracked over time and measured at the end of the program.
The problem being addressed by the program needs to be well defined so that all program staff and stakeholders working on the program have the same definition of the problem. This ensures that everyone agrees on the program’s objectives prior to beginning any activities. Existing sources of data such as recent DHS surveys will provide information on key health issues among the population. It is also a good idea to consult key stakeholders, government officials, or refer to the national strategic plan for the health area the program addresses. The description of the problem is high maternal mortality rate (in target country, region, or province) and it affects women of reproductive age (in target country, region, or province).
When determining the resources needed for a successful SBCC program, carefully consider key areas such as human resources, office supplies, and field resources. List things that are needed (e.g., office space, computers and other electronic equipment, staff, volunteers) and another that outlines wish list items, or things that would be helpful but are not critical for a successful program.
Determine the actions program staff will take (outputs) to make sure the program succeeds (e.g. activities, services, events and products created). When determining outputs, keep in mind the primary audience the team identified. The program should take actions based on their characteristics and seek to engage these audiences in its actions. A good way to identify outputs is to create a list of activities or actions that will take place to achieve program objectives. For example, if the program will conduct training's or create new materials, think about the resources that might be needed to complete these activities.Outputs may sound like the results of programmatic work, but they actually represent a sign of progress. Outputs describe the process that will help the program achieve its goals. For example, if the program goal is to increase pregnant women’s opinions of delivering in a health facility. To reach that goal, the program can hold training's for leaders of women’s organizations. Training the leaders is the process and the number of trained leaders who engage successfully in the community is an indicator of progress towards that goal. For example, conduct workshops with doctors, midwives, and nurses on the use and importance of life-saving commodities like oxytocin and misoprostol.
Determine what the program going to change or achieve. It is helpful to split outcomes into short-term, mid-term, and long-term so that it is easier to recognize progress over time. For example, in this case, short -term outcome; Increased number of women in the community are aware that giving birth in a health facility increases their chances of a positive birth outcome. Mid-term; Increased proportion of women give birth in a facility with a trained health provider. Long-term; Decreased maternal mortality rate.
After all of the inputs, outputs, and outcomes have been defined, they can be put together to form an outline of the logic model.
Programs and interventions are always influenced by external or outside factors. When creating a logic model it is important to identify factors that might help or prevent the program from becoming a success. E.g. environment/Setting - The setting in which the program will operate is very important. For example, for a campaign encouraging women to seek prenatal care, will rural residents be able to get to health facilities or do midwives need to travel directly to women?
While other guides such as How to Develop Indicators will explain how to develop more detailed program indicators, it is important to start thinking about them now. Partners in the community and key stakeholders can help design a program, but the program manager is ultimately responsible for its success and for reporting results to the donor. It is important to ask “how many?” for each output. For example, how many training workshops will be held in the next 6 months? How many community connections will be made? How many volunteers will be recruited? Once realistic and achievable numbers are decided on for each item, these numbers will become the program’s process indicators. The goals set for short-, mid- and long-term outcomes will serve as outcome indicators. These indicators will focus more on what the program is trying to achieve rather than how it is being achieved. For example, how many more health providers have used a life-saving maternal health commodity such as misoprostol or oxytocin in the past year? How many more women are coming to a health facility for prenatal care or childbirth than before the program started?
Logic models are a useful visual tool that can help outline the intended activities and results of a program. They clarify program goals and objectives and help stakeholders and program staff see how program inputs will lead to the overall strategic objective. The logic model also provides a platform for discussing external factors that can affect a program’s success and helps guide the creation of monitoring indicators.
Knowlton, L. W., & Phillips, C. C. (2012). The logic model guidebook: Better strategies for great results. Sage.
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