1) Interview Method
It involves discussions between job analysis and job occupants or experts. Job analysis data from individual and is often supplemented by information from supervisors of employees whose jobs are to be analysed.
2) Functional job analysis
It is a method that uses precise terminology and a structured job analysis to record information regarding the job content. e. g selection functions.
b)Job evaluation is the process of assessing the relative values of work in an organization through comparing it with other jobs within the outside job market and those within the organization.
I reccomend the classification or grading evaluation method.The reason why I recommend this job evaluation technique is because of its generic job characteristics grouped in levels of predetermined classifications.It has the advantage of being straight forward with little time consuming. In grading ,the system is subject to grade inflation as jobs get pushed to the next high level.There can also occur the challenge where one size does not fit all so jobs maybe forfeit into grades. Therefore, individual jobs are compared to groups of job characteristics then matched to specific grade classification.
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