As a Chief HR officer of an IT company, you want to assess the company culture using Quinn and Rorbaugh’s Competing Values Framework. What are the four type of cultures that emerge through this taxonomy?
Expert's answer
Clan Culture-Clan culture is more prevalent in conventional organizations than in digital ones. Because these businesses are frequently family-owned, there is a strong emphasis on fostering employees through interpersonal relationships and mentor ship programs. Of course, all of this is done to give the impression that you are part of a genuine extended family.Hierarchical Culture-Traditional corporations have hierarchical cultures as well. Power and decision-making are concentrated at the top of these organizations. As a result, decisions are made solely by the C-suite. As a result, other employees may feel underappreciated and helpless. While this organizational culture is frequently highly efficient, it is not conducive to innovation or creativity.Market Culture-Market culture is geared toward expanding digitally-savvy firms. As a result, this culture is highly results-oriented, rewarding winners and valuing internal competition. As a result, this is a culture in which all employees are expected to perform at their best. Those that regularly excel are rewarded financially or given opportunities for advancement.Adhocracy Culture-An adhocracy focused on innovation is associated with digital firms and encourages risk-taking. Regardless of their position, everyone is encouraged to engage in this less structured culture since you never know where the next fantastic idea may come from.
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