Explain the various knowledge management infrastructures (with elaboration in points) required for efficient functioning of an organization ?
Knowledge management infrastructures refer to organizational designs and modular products that enable efficient knowledge management in an organization. These infrastructures include:
Content repository- these tools allow users to manage and share knowledge content. Organizations prefer tools that can manage diverse content e.g. documents, social content, web content etc. Examples of content repository are Enterprise Content Management(ECM) and Content Management Systems(CMS).
Communication infrastructure- these infrastructures communicate knowledge and capture knowledge generated through communication. They include a variety of tools e.g. Emails, instant messaging, chats, telephone services, video conferencing, speech recognition and collaboration tools.
Knowledge search- search is an important function that improves the value of knowledge. A text search tool is often part of the content repository. Search tools differ and there's big difference in the performance of such solutions.
Social software- such infrastructure facilitates socialization of knowledge. Core enterprise software such as ERP nowadays incorporate social features.
Decision support- these are tools that seek knowledge in large volumes of data. For instance, reporting software that allows users to discover patterns of knowledge in data.
Big data- this category of infrastructure stores, manages and analyzes a variety of high velocity and volume of data.
Knowledge visualization tools- this class of infrastructures visually communicates knowledge. The market is still young but tools are being designed rapidly. Many businesses rely on 2D representations such as PowerPoint slides and web pages for visual communication of knowledge.
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