Wellness and well-being at work is a major issue for all HR departments to manage. The consequences for not managing this effectively can be very serious for an organization. Write an essay in which you cover the following aspects in relation to flourishing at work.
· Introduction
· Define flourishing and languishing in a work context
· Discuss the history and development of the concepts and what they encompass
· Discuss the importance of promoting a flourishing workplace and the consequences of languishing employees on the organization
· Discuss what organizations can do to promote flourishing in the workplace
Different organizations have different strategies for providing a healthy and highly productive workplace. Depending on the type of organization, one can easily identify if a workplace is flourishing. This involves employees putting in mutual efforts to ensure the organization has achieved its goals. Therefore any organization needs to incorporate strategies that can provide a convenient working environment for maximum production.
To promote the wellness of workplace, the organization must ensure there is good communication, good leadership, better teamwork, appreciating and promoting talents among employees, promoting growth and development, proper planning, and demonstrating good leadership qualities. Therefore, the impacts of poor management of well-being at work can have a significant impact on an organization.
Flourishing and Languishing workplace
Flourishing refers to rapid and healthy growth in a workplace resulting in wellness and well-being at work. On the other hand, languishing refers to a state of poor health and feeling of emptiness at work that is a lack of wellbeing.
Research-based on personal interests revealed those healthy workplaces have compatibility in the relationship between work environment and positive employee influences (Holland, 1996.) in the past, there were numerous researches on the negativity of relationship between work and life (McNall et al., 2010). Therefore, providing a good working environment as well as the relationship among workers helps to increase production. Putting in the right strategies to promote a flourishing workplace is essential for any organization to achieve its goals. Failure to put in the right strategies will lead to poor well-being thus a loss in productivity
The importance of promoting a flourishing workplace helps in promoting a good relationship between leaders and other employees. Also, helps in increased productivity due to mutual efforts and teamwork among employees. On the other hand, languishing employees in an organization may lead to a decrease in productivity rate due to absenteeism among employees thus the organization incurs losses.
How can organizations promote flourishing in the workplace?
Organizations should recognize unique talents among their employees and reward them to promote good performance among them. This helps the organization to identify highly qualified and experienced individuals thus promoting productivity.
Promoting growth and development helps to improve good performance among employees thus enabling them to cope up with various problems. Providing training also enables organizations to facilitate growth since there is an increase in the level of experience.
Compensating the employees equally and fairly with retirement and medical benefit helps to assure the employees that their needs are met financially. Creating proper strategies to ensure the organization is working towards its objectives. This entails proper allocation of resources and setting up objectives. Organizations should have a vision, core values, and objectives as part of implementation strategies.
Communication among employers and employees helps in proper making of decisions and solving various challenges.
Conclusively, not all transformations may lead to flourishing and thus important and sustainable strategies have to be put in place to achieve this. A poorly managed organization will lead to languishing of its employees thus leading to reduced productivity. Therefore, the organization must first prioritize the well-being of its employees.
Colbert, A. E., Bono, J. E., & Purvanova, R. K. (2016). Flourishing via workplace relationships: Moving beyond instrumental support. Academy of Management Journal, 59(4), 1199-1223.
Gedye, F. (2013). Development of pathways to a life of flourishing: An evaluation of a positive psychology intervention (Doctoral dissertation, ResearchSpace@ Auckland).
Heyns, M. M., McCallaghan, S., & Roos, C. E. (2021). Creative leadership and employee work wellness: Supervisor support as a mediator. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 31(1), 12-18.
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