1) Explain the decisions marketing managers make when developing an advertising program.
2) Advertising should always aim to create immediate action. Do you agree? Explain your example
Question One
Advert Objectives Setting
This is the first decision that the marketing managers should make. The objectives that the advertisement should met should be set and these includes identifying the target market, establish the period of time that the advert will run, establish the communication that is to be put across by the advert, establish the marketing mix and the positioning of the advert.
Making the Advert Budget
The budget that the advertising campaign will utilize is the next decision after setting the objectives. The advert budget will be determined by the stage in the product life cycle at which the product that is being advertised is currently at. The market share that the product is enjoying will also determine the advertising budget of the product. It should be noted that acquiring new market share or taking a part of the market share from the competitors will require a higher advertising campaign and therefore a higher budget that simply maintaining the current market share (Grideanu, 2014).
Advert Strategy Development
The third decision involves coming up with the message that is intended to be communicated by the advert and then choosing the right media to put it across depending on the advertising budget made.
Advert Campaign Evaluation
This is the last decision and involves evaluating the message of the advert, the tone used, the people that were able to get the message, the percentage of the market that was reached by the advert as well as the wordings and the format of the advert.
Question Two
No. Advertising needs to achieve the objects that were set for the advertising campaign. Because when adverts are only meant to create action immediately which can be important at times we limit the other opportunities that would have come across from advertising. A good example is when an advert done to market paints. If such an advert is done to create immediate action it will fail since people only buy paint when they are in need of paint and not when they have seen adverts. However, such an advert will be useful because when people will require paint and they have already seen the brand or the product being advertised they will buy in large quantities.
Grideanu, N., 2014. ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT. Review of General Management, 19(1).
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