2.1 Read the scenarios below. In each scenario, identify the most applicable labour legislation in the
specific situation described (1 mark each) and name the purpose of the specific Act (2 marks
2.1.1 Joseph has been terminally ill. As a result, he has already exhausted his annual and sick
leave for the year 2019
2.1.2 Sophie has given birth to a baby boy. She is worried about how she will get an income during
her four months of maternity leave.
2.1.3 In March 2019, Jackson fell from a scaffolding from the ninth floor. His spinal cord is seriously
injured. He wants to claim compensation.
2.1.4 Sammy is working in an unsafe and unhealthy working environment. The doctor diagnosed
him with a respiratory illness which makes it difficult for him to breathe.
2.1.5 Employees at High Q (Pty) Ltd have not been trained in the newly installed stocktaking
machinery. As a result, they are unable to perform their work duties in a competent manner
2.1.1 Employment Act. helps in protecting workers.
2.1.2 Infant Act, it takes care of infants.
2.13 Employee safety Act,
2.1.4 Employee safety Act,
2.1.5 Employee competency Act
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