According to Case Study: The New Security System – Buying In, If you were a manager, which leadership style needed in this situation? Elaborate your answer using any leadership theory and diagram. (14 marks)
In the study, the employee seems to not clearly understand implementing a new security system and worry bout the challenges they may face while starting on the new black box technology in the organization. As a manager of the Camis team, the best leadership style I would employ in this situation is Democratic leadership techniques. Therefore, I would ensure that all employees participate in the decision-making and respect each other's opinions and understand how the new black box system works and how it will benefit our company in the long run.
Democratic leadership diagram
The demographic diagram above demonstrates how a good leader should be at the center of the management decision-making process and connected to each follower.
Figuring in at the contingency theory, it argues on the principle that no one leadership style applies to all situations. However, its emphasis on the different variables in the specific setting determines the best-suited leadership style based on the case. According to leading researchers Hodgson and white, a good leader possesses exemplary leadership qualities and the ability to evaluate the needs of their workers and the current situation.
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