Do you think installing an experienced female CEO would help the company change its culture and workplace environment? Explain your reasoning.
Do you think installing an experienced female CEO would help the company change its culture and workplace environment? Explain your reasoning.
No, having an experienced female CEO will not change the culture and workplace environment. The issue of sexual harassment in Uber company is more than than just an issue of gender inequalities. The company's problem is that employees are resisting change, and they will continue doing so regardless of the gender of the CEO if she does not facilitate sustainable change that will allow employees to succeed and flourish. Particular aspects of a business destroy it inside and out (Johansson, 201). It is the duty of any CEO, male or female, to analyze the issues, implement strategies to address the problem, and position the company for recovery. The climate of the organization lies in the mindset and behavior that is encouraged in the company. It would be much better to hire a male CEO who can lead by example by communicating to other workers the seriousness of the issue. The way a male leader will communicate to his male subordinates will be vital in shaping their attitudes.
Johansson, A. (2015, October 6). Turning the ship around: A guide to changing workplace culture.
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