Write a paper describing the impact of COVID-19 on how organization are managed.
Impact of COVID-19 on how organization are managed
Pace and scale of workplace innovation
The COVID-19 has led to changes in the workplace, people are working remotely, and has helped leaders understand what can and cannot be done outside their organization. People are looking for faster, simpler, and less expensive ways to operate their business. This pandemic has shown managers how fast employees can respond; working in a more agile way.
A culture of transparency, openness, and trust
The COVID-19 period requires all managers and employees be supportive of one another as they face uncertainty unlike in the past. Control has to give way to trust. In the midst of social distancing, many members of an organization are getting closer. People are building more adaptive teams.
Rapid reskilling
Employees are being equipped with a learning mindset to help deal with an abrupt, changing working environment. Upskilling and reskilling help employees move from one part of the business to another. This is greatly needed by the organization management because at this time of pandemic responsibilities keep changing.
Social and individual wellbeing
Lockdown has put pressure on employees in a manner that it is affecting not only their personal life but also the society at large, Managers are required to help manage the anxiety and depression among their employees. Mental provision has become a basic need for an organization to function properly.
Changing management and leadership competence
The COVID-19 crisis has shockwave a lot of economies and industries but most importantly it has affected human resources. Leadership skills and corporate culture should focus more on empathy, as disruption and transformation become the new normal.
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