I want to know how the scientific management principles will help in cooking
In 1909, Frederick Taylor devised the scientific management principles to improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace. Today, these principles are applicable in many aspects, including cooking. The first principle is use of science rather than rule of thumb, which means constantly experimenting to come up with new techniques to increase efficiency. In the kitchen, this principle is applicable in identifying the right culinary equipment or method during the cooking process to achieve efficiency. It also encourages a person to try experimental cooking to discern the most palatable and appealing dish. The principle of harmony, not discord advocates for a well-coordinated atmosphere between labor and management. In the cooking process, this helps in prioritizing a comfortable cooking space that is compatible with one’s needs. An uncomfortable kitchen creates stressful cooking conditions.
The third principle of cooperation commends involvement and increased responsibility. In the cooking process, this helps with division of labor e.g. having someone else clean after another cooks. A sense of responsibility helps with encompassing food safety and practicing healthier cooking to0 increase quality of life. The fourth principle, development of a person to their greatest efficiency, urges training of workers to attain efficiency. A person can enhance their cooking skills to get better at cooking by use of cooking schools, culinary academies, online classes etc.
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