1.a)How do process and concept of Integrated Marketing communication differ from each other?(Please give at least 10 points for difference)
b)How Integrated Marketing communication differ from traditional promotions program ?(Please give at least 10 points for difference)
2.What is the difference between Full Service agency and creative boutique?(Please give at least 10 points for difference)
1. a) How do process and concept of Integrated Marketing communication differ from each other?
The concept of IMC refers to the approach of achieving marketing objectives through a coordinated integration of different promotional methods intended to reinforce each other. The IMC process deals with managing customers and their relationship with the product through communications.
In IMC concept, all marketing communication facets work together harmoniously rather than isolated aspects. The IMC process involves integrating marketing aspects such as buyer behavior, corporate image, promotional opportunities and brand management.
The concept of IMC is founded on integration of communication channels for more promotional effectiveness. The IMC process integrates marketing tools such as advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, mobile marketing and social media marketing.
The concept of IMC is customer-driven and therefore places the customer at the core of its existence. The IMC process involves sending the right message to the consumer with an intent to form a relationship and maintain it with the brand.
The concept of IMC includes coordination of resources to minimize cost and maximize value on customers. The process involves use of promotional tools, advertising tools and integrated tools such as internet marketing.
The IMC concept aims at delivering a clear and consistent message to its target market. The IMC process ensures consistency in communication by passing the same message and tone through various media channels.
The IMC process aims at building brand recognition and trust. The IMC process designs a marketing campaign that makes the brand selling possible so that people can recognize and trust the brand.
The concept of IMC seeks to create wide campaign that reaches larger audiences. The IMC process fulfils this by identifying suitable channels that will successfully target the right audience with the right communication.
The IMC concept aims at attaining higher revenues. This is executed through the IMC process where a combination of efforts is made to increase revenue such as the public relations, research team, strategists, social media marketing team etc.
The IMC concept aims at a diversified approach to marketing communication. The IMC process enhances the diversification aspect be encompassing both traditional and digital media in communication.
b) How Integrated Marketing communication differ from traditional promotions program?
Integrated marketing communication mainly relies on digital channels such as websites and social media for marketing communication while traditional promotional programs mainly use traditional medium such as newspapers and magazines.
Traditional promotion programs push marketing messages to a large number of people regardless of whether they are interested or not whereas IMC takes a more permissive marketing approach.
Traditional marketing aims at selling the product whereas IMC aims at communicating with the target audience without selling in an effort to offer more value and turn them into potential customers.
Traditional promotional programs provide information limited to the product or service they intend to sell while IMC strives to offer value e.g. by educating the customers about the industry or by entertaining them.
IMC values audience by offering something valuable to attract them and own them. Traditional advertising relies on a rented audience e.g. a media platform with an existing audience.
Traditional promotional strategies mostly provide a one-way communication with customers whereas IMC provides a conversational approach with more interactive communication by means of webinars, in-person events etc.
Traditional advertising strategies are quite static because they are hard to tweak when in action. In contrast, IMC approach offers changeability as marketers hone their marketing strategies in real time.
Traditional promotional programs are quite costly to run compared to integrated marketing communication tools.
IMC encourages customer feedback to establish trust whereas traditional promotional programs do not ask for immediate response; they lay their information to their target market and hope some of the people will buy.
IMC appeals to a broader audience of all ages thus allows for clever targeting whereas traditional promotional programs appeal to a limited and younger audience.
2. What is the difference between Full Service agency and creative boutique?
A full service agency handles all the marketing aspects of a business whereas a creative boutique is an advertising agency that offers specialized services to its clients.
Full service agencies are larger in size compared to creative boutiques. Creative boutiques tend to be local agencies while full service agencies have multiple worldwide presence.
Full service agencies have well-defined projects with clear division of labor among departments. Creative boutiques have more flexibility and roles of staff members overlap.
Due to interchangeability of roles and limited workforce, creative boutiques tend to be very actively involved with their specialized tasks whereas full service agencies have less involvement due to the large number of taskforce involved in a single project.
Full service agencies rely on the volume of clients they have and therefore have to continuously expand their client base. Creative boutiques rely mainly on retaining customers to meet their income.
Full service agencies impart a holistic view on a company since it will have only few account managers. A creative boutique offers a fragmentary look because a company has to hire various account managers for the many marketing divisions.
Full service agency maintains consistent messaging since a brand has one mouthpiece for communication on every platform. Creative boutiques have varied communication because several mouthpiece are in charge of a brand’s marketing aspect.
Full service agencies offer great expertise to the marketing campaigns due to their extensive experience in various fields whereas creative boutiques narrowly focus on one specific area.
Creative boutiques cut on middleman costs especially if a company requires a single marketing service but are expensive to hire for the whole marketing aspect. Full service agencies are more cost-effective when in need of several marketing services.
Full service agencies offer more coherence because only a single entity oversees all the marketing campaigns and they work on different campaigns simultaneously. Creative boutiques may not offer coherence as different specialists handle different channels.
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