The Premise:
The performance of one of the biggest hospitals in the country i.e. “Care & Cure” came under scrutiny in the recent pandemic. The hospital was unable to cope with the catastrophic situation of Covid-19 arrangements including isolation wards and emergency treatment of the patients.
During the investigation, the inquiry committee revealed the inability of the CEO to understand the severity of the disease. It also highlighted the CEO’s hesitancy to take action against the employees unwilling to perform their duties in high-risk wards. On the recommendations of the committee, the CEO was found guilty.
Now, Dr Faisal has been appointed as CEO at Care & Cure hospital. He is one of the leading epidemiologists in the country. Due to his experience related to pandemics, his opinion is regarded. With his proficiency, he soon stamped his authority and influenced key decisions. He also initiated disciplinary proceedings against the employees who were unable to dispense their duties as per expectations. It resulted in the dismissal and suspension of many employees.
In six months, the hospital not only established a 200-bed facility for COVID patients but also ensured the availability of trained paramedics and physicians willing to serve.
After analyzing the above case,
Identify the two sources of power used by the CEO Dr. Faisal and explain them as per the scenario. (Marks: 10)*
*2 marks for correct identification + 3 marks for the explanation as per the case x 2
Max. Words Limit: 80
Note: Marks will be deducted for violating words limit
One of Dr. Faisal’s sources was legitimate power, which he exercised due to his CEO position. He was able to dispense disciplined actions against rogue employees not willing to deliver effectively.
Secondly, he used expert power due to his possession of knowledge as one of the leading epidemiologists in the country and his experience concerning pandemics. His source of power enabled him to influence critical decisions in the management of the hospital.
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