Differentiate between questioning techniques and observation methods ?(Please provide atleast 10 points of difference )
Differentiate between questioning techniques and observation methods?
· Questioning techniques involve written or verbal communication while there is no written or verbal communication in observation.
· The cost of questioning techniques is higher compared to that of the observation.
· Questioning techniques involve the use of questions, while in observation, there are no questions involved.
· Much time is taken during feedback after questioning in questioning technique, but there is no time taken for feedback in observation.
· The questioning technique rigid with no flexibility, while observation is highly flexible.
· The questioning technique requires much preparation time, while no time for preparation is required for observation.
· The questioning technique is much reliable since various questions can be referenced, but this is not possible in observation.
· The questioning technique can be applied in all instances, but observation cannot be applied in some circumstances, especially among people with impaired vision.
· The questioning technique maintains an effective communication relationship, but observation is not.
· Information can be distorted in questioning techniques but cannot in observation.
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