You are the Business Planning Manager for a major insurance company. Your Chief Executive is the Insurance Industry representative on a UK National Economic Forum. He has asked you to brief him on the following topics which appear on the Forum’s next meeting agenda:
• Why does unemployment exist when the demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour at the prevailing level of wages?
• What is the purpose of individual and company taxation in the UK?
• What are business cycles, how are they caused and what are their implications?
• What measures could a company take to avoid serious ethical issues?
Before discussing with potential investors the merits or otherwise of actually investing in your particular company, you determine it is prudent to consider whether it is sensible to invest in the UK as a country and in the UK insurance company business sector in general.
Prepare your draft notes that you will use to brief your Chief Executive covering the four topics above. Ensure that you draw out issues and implications for the insurance industry and its customers. You should supplement your briefing with relevant examples.
Your paper should be approximately 2,000 words
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