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How does corruption impact on service delivery? (125 words, 5 marks)

As the public relations officer in the Department of Human Settlement, you have been tasked with compiling a communications plan for a campaign aimed at asking the public for donations, for the flood victims in KwaZulu-Natal. Choose any one of the communication models outlined in the presentation above and explain how such a communication plan could be guided by your chosen model. (20

Discuss the basic principles of transformative constitutionalism

Briefly explain how the views of st Augustine and Hugo de Groot differed regarding natural law theory

2.1 Read the following statement and answer the question that follows:

“Due to its nature, the study and teaching of indigenous African law present certain challenges.”

Discuss this statement. In your answer, you must describe the nature of indigenous African law. Furthermore, indicate how indigenous African law was studied in the past, and how it is studied today.

Explain the difference between practical and scientific reception and give an example of each from South African legal history.

the ASSIGNMENT FOR THE CLASS. Taiye sold one hundred bags of beans to Famous at the price of N50, 000 a bag. The 100 bags of beans were delivered at Famous warehouse at Poly Road, Auchi but Famous without examining them sold and delivered the 100 bags of beans to Emeka. Emeka examined the beans and discovered that 50 bags were bad. He therefore rejected the entire consignment. Famous also informed Taiye that he was also rejecting the 100 bags of beans. "Advise Famous and Emeka on whether they can successfully reject the 100 bags of beans under the Sales of Goods Act.

Mr Kabelo Maseko is driving on the M2 one morning on his way to work. He is talking to his friend about the incident that happened at the weekend when he visited a local pub. Kabelo is talking on his cell phone through the speakers of his vehicle while driving. Because the traffic is very slow at that time of the morning, he rolls down his windows. Other motorists can almost hear his conversation and see that he is alone in the vehicle. While proceeding in this fashion on the M2, a traffic officer pulls Kabelo to the shoulder of the road and requests his licence. The officer informs Kabelo that he is going to give him a ticket as talking on your cell phone while driving is a traffic offence.

Advise Kabelo as to whether or not he has committed an offence. Apply the literal or text-based as well as the text-in-context and the mischief rules of interpretation with reference to relevant case law

Explain the difference between practical and scientific reception and give an example of each from the south African legal history

What punishment should be given to people and businesses involved in covid-19 corruption

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