History Answers

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Discuss the impact that the Atlantic slave trade had on Europe and the Americas

Discuss what a child centered and participative pedagogical imply in the learning context

Which is not mentioned as one of the ways in which native people are often stereotyped in the media?

A- dancing

B- Compassionate

c. Musically

d. Looking like a warrior

why did europeans set up colonies in north america

How did Congress attempt to maintain U.S. isolationism throughout the 1930s?

Who advocated that the Bill of Rights be added to the US Constitution?

“The changes that were brought about by industrialisation mainly resulted in the deterioration of the living conditions of working people.”

“The changes that were brought about by industrialisation mainly resulted in the 

deterioration of the living conditions of working people.” you agree or not

According to the Constitution, who are two groups who have had increased representation in government based on constitutional amendments?

A feudal system is best described as a from of government with a:

A) single, all-powerful ruler.

B) legislature elected by the people.

c) who is also a religious authority

D) decentralized authority of many different rulers.

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