How the Mongolian Empire Contributed to the Western Civilization
The Mongols had the biggest empire in the pre-modern history of the human population. At a time where America, Australia and the major part of Africa were not yet discovered, the Mongols were in control of the most significant portion of public land, which controlled people including the British Empire. Putting this in the modern sense, we can say that the Mongolian empire was the first “secular” empire, which played a huge role in the spread of western civilization. Moreover, the empire connected to the world in a more sense that had never been experienced before. At the time where people only knew about their neighbors but not more than two countries beyond, the Mongolian empire established a direct contact to different countries. As a result, there was a renaissance in Europe which led to the ultimate creation of the Modern world.
Most importantly, the Mongolian Empire created the largest free trade zone worldwide that cannot be dreamt of today. With the aim of stabilizing people’s wealth, the empire lowered the taxes for every individual, while abolishing the same for professionals such as teachers and doctors. The paper currency originated from the empire, which was done successfully for the first time, over a large area. As a civilization act, the Mongolians instituted the practice of diplomatic immunity. This began in India, which later on spread to other countries in different parts of the world. Due to the Mongolian empire, people were able to send and receive messages faster and efficiently, through the established international postal system.
When other civilization groups focused on building walls and forts to create segregation among people, the Mongolian empire enhanced the connection between different regions and people from different parts of the world by building bridges. Moreover, this group introduced the Chinese practice of fingerprinting to Persia in exchange of the Persian carpet, enhanced the eastern knowledge to the west, while introducing the German miners to the east. Also, they also created the universal weighing system as well as measures, which was essential in those days, before spreading it across a vast landmass. The Mongolian empire was also the first people to use the decimal system, which later on was spread all across the world.
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