How does the contributions of Aztecs and Spanish helped create Mexico's culture?
Expert's answer
The Mexican Culture has formed during many centuries and was influenced by both the culture of native tribes of Aztecs and by the Spanish colonists. The Spanish brought in the Roman Catholicism and it became the main Mexican religion. The Mexicans have also adopted Spanish language and now it is the official language of their country. One can also notice Spanish track in the Mexican architecture, as well as fine arts. The tracks of the Aztec culture, on the other hand, can often be spotted in the rural areas of Mexico which were not touched by the modern processes. Folk arts, handcrafts, such as ceramics, weaving etc., cuisine – in some areas their authentic Aztec origin was preserved. As for the dance and music, those arts in Mexico combined native and brought-in features, bringing very unique pieces of art into Mexico’s culture. Mexican culture is a combination of two cultures: native culture of Aztecs and the adopted culture of the Spanish, which makes it unique and interesting for explorers from all over the world.
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