Explain the reasons why Prince Louis Napoleon made the following statement on the
instability of the French political system: “It is very difficult in France to make reforms;
we make revolutions in France, not reforms.”
Napoleon wished to entice loyal emigrants to return home by allowing peasants to maintain estates given to them by aristocrats or the church. He also desired the establishment of the Napoleonic code, which would guarantee equality, religious tolerance, and the abolition of feudalism. He was in favor of legislation that would strengthen the central authority and help the Revolution realize its aims of a stable economy and equal taxation. He founded a national bank and established an efficient tax collection mechanism. In addition, he strengthened government services through working with public schools.Napoleon centralized the government, putting the national government in complete power. It grew more productive. In the public service and the military, advancement was based on ability rather than rank. Everyone was subjected to the same taxation regime.
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