8.1It is no longer correct to refer to the Constitution currently in force in South Africa as the 'constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996"
Explain why this statement is true .
8.2 Explain , in your own words , how the Constitution guides the transformative Constitution project in South Africa . (2)
8.3 Explain , in your own words , the difference between the original and derivative modes of acquisition of ownership .(2)
8.4 Sibongile is the owner of a cow . She discovers that it has foot- and - mouth dissease and decidedes to abandon the animals by the side of the road , because she does not want it to infect the rest of her herd . The next day , Florence walks by , sees that the cow is unaccompanied , and decides to take it home with her . Can Florence legally become the owner of cow ? Explain your answer (3) .
8.5 Explain in your own words , what a limited real right is . Also provide one example of such a right (3)
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