2) What objectives were set for the Muslim League at the time of its inception?(10)
The objectives of the Muslim League were:
· To promote feelings of loyalty among Indian Muslims towards the British Government.
· To protect the political and other rights of the Muslims and present them before the Government in mild and moderate language.
· To promote friendly feelings between Muslims and other communities of India without any harm to the objectives of the League.
· To promote loyalty of Indian Muslims towards the British government.
· To protect the political and other rights of the Indian Muslims and to place their needs and aspirations before the Government.
· To overcome the feeling of hostility among Muslims towards other communities.
· The Simla Deputation strengthened this belief by demonstrating the potency of united action.
· To prevent the rise of feelings of hostility between Muslims and any other communities, without adversely affecting the aforesaid objectives.
· To prevent the rise among the Muslims of India, of any feelings of hostility towards other communities without prejudice to the aforesaid object of the League
· To protect and advance the political right of the Muslims of India and to represent their needs and aspirations to the government.
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