did the women got the rights like men after French Revolution ? name the Revolutionary women of France who raised the equal rights of women also .
Impact of French Revolution on Women Rights
French revolution from 1787 to 1799 saw significant changes adopted both on the political and social aspect of the French nationals. The French revolution was mainly enlightenment to French people on their rights and what they are obliged to do by the laws. The genesis of the process was a meeting with the estates general in Versailles and halted by Bonaparte taking over from the initial captives. With the rise of Napolean, the end of revolution reforms and ideas advocated in the revolution did not change. The primary cause of the course was the social inequality of France due to the Estate system. The tax burden in the procedure was unsustainable for the civilians and irresponsibility in managing the public resources. Though the women did not get much attention and rights, their political and social decisions were significantly enhanced (Hufton, 2017). In the national assembly, the laws that barred women from participating in elections were scrubbed and ensured gender nobleness. Women also acquired the right to make decisions without consultation or freedom from their husbands and permission to wear breeches without feeling intimidated.
Women played a critical role in advocating for their rights in the French revolution. The women raised the concerns of equal rights to all in France irrespective of their gender identity. Images of the Parisian market woman dragging through the mud in the Versailles is one the most dramatic scene in the French revolution (Jarvis, 2019). The women in the market held a crucial role in the course. Dames des Halles carried a process and a significant impact. Dames business in Paris market shows how women's economic activities in the current democracy and capitalism through daily commerce.
Hufton, O. (2017). Women and the limits of the Citizenship in the French Revolution.
University of Toronto Press.
Jarvis, K. (2019). Politics in the Marketplace: Work, Gender and Citizenship in
Revolutionary France. Oxford University Press, USA.
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