Answer the following essay question in an essay of 800–1 000 words, or approximately three pages.
Hugh Trevor Roper vigorously argued that Africa, prior to European contact, was ‘without the wheel, the plough, or transport animal; without writing and without history’. Drawing on the views of American thinkers Carter G Woodson and WEB DuBois, as well as any relevant information from learning units 1 and 2, critically discuss Roper’s assertion.
Roper's assertion that 'without the wheel, the plough, or transport animal... " is an hyperbole. It is informed by the white supremacy hence it is regarded as a prejudice and subjective perception of Africa. From the views of American thinkers such as Carter G. Woodson and Web DuBois, African was self-reliant before the invasion of the Europeans. As the Europeans brought with them infrastructure and technology, animal transports and some forms of communication thay existed in Africa before were forgotten.
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