1.Discuss the system of proportional representation and what it means for the South African electoral system.
2. Explain, in your own words, what you think public participation in a democracy means. In your answer, you should mention representative and participatory democracy.
Proportional Representation
Proportional representation refers to an electoral system in in which all the divisions within an electorate are depicted in the elected body .The proportional representation applies in situations white there is partitioning of the electorate either ideologically or geographically. This system of electorate is democratic and it helps avoid the winner take it all situation hence averting potential election aftermath. In South Africa, the proportional representation election system is practiced especially in the election of national assembly and legislatures in which each party gives a list of contestants who are elected alongside the preferred candidate. The number of elected seats provided for every elected eider or body depends on the geographical location of the areas they represent.
Public democracy refers to a situation in which the common people are allowed to choose their preferred leaders for legislation and representation purposes.
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