Discuss the similarities and differences between the lifestyle of the hunter-gatherer and the hunter - herder societies of southern Africa in precolonial period.
The similarities between the hunter-gatherer and hunter-herder societies of southern Africa in precolonial period include
i)they were both nomadic
ii) they had a similar language accent in that both had a click-sound
iii) they had similar physical appearance and were short and stout
iv) they both were yellowish-brown in color
The differences include
i) hunter-gatherers lived in caves while herders lived in huts and thatched houses
ii)hunter gatherers moved from place to place in search of food while hunter-herders stayed in on place
iii) hunter-gatherers collected naturally occurring food on the land while hunter-herders raised domestic animals and plants for food.
iv) socially, hunter herders were not self sufficient as compared to hunter-gatherers
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