Human geography Answers

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Answers by our Experts: 347

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The impact of South Atlantic and Indian high pressure cell on the environment, physical and social

Assess the positive and negative impacts of rapid development on either a named developing or emerging country.

Parallelogram PQRS with vertices P(1, -1), Q(5, -1), R(6, -3) and  S(2, -3) is reflected in the line y = 2. Plot the parallelogram and  its image.

Which type of migration patterns occurred because of the 2nd Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Green Revolution?

how did cultural diversity lead to devolutionary pressure in nigeria

Explain how shifting uk energy sauces to renewable and nuclear power is sustainable for the uk

Is it possible to increase economic diversity in a community? And why is it easier for some places to diversify their economies but not others?

 How might Canada improve their immigration system?

What should Canadians do to combat climate change

  • Find three photographs (online or take your own) that illustrate places where the natural environment has been altered in a way that increases the impact of any natural flooding. Each photograph needs to show a different way that people have interacted with the environment.
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