Dear Parents
Class: *4th C + G*
Date: 7 April 2020.
Subject: *Social Studies*
Assignment: Write questions on notebook.
Topic: *Chapter 2 (Our Country and it's Neighbours).*
*(Now India have 28 States and 9 Union Territories).*
*Q1.* Write the name of the countries by whom India shares its border.
*Q2.* Which countries are island neighbours of India ?
*Q3.* Write the capital cities of these states.
a. Gujarat
b. Punjab & Haryana
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Tamilnadu
e. Andaman & Nicobar Islands
f. Goa
g. Dadar & Nagar Haveli
h. Uttrakhand
i. Assam
*Q4.* Area wise which state is largest and which state is the smallest state in our country ?
*Q5.* What does seven north eastern states of India popularly known as ? Write their names.
Subject Teacher : *Bhaskar Roy.*
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