Describe the three types of fiber misalignment which may contribute to insertion loss at an optical fiber joint. A step index fiber with a 200 μm core diameter is butt jointed. The joint which is index matched has a lateral offset of 10 μm but no longitudinal or angular misalignment. Using two methods, estimate the insertion loss at the joint assuming the uniform illumination of all guided modes.
Answer to the question,
Types of misalignment.
A. Longitudinal misalignment, the misalignment errors of the magnet due to the installation are mostly discussed in general misalignment errors.
B. Radial misalignment, this type of alignment occurs when the two optical fibres are offset. Loss occurs when light from the core of the transmitting optical fibre enters the clodding of the receiving optical fibre creating loss. An end separates a gap between the transmitting and the receiving optical fibres.
C. The angular misalignment, this is the difference in the slopes of one shaft, usually the moveable machine as compared to the slope of the shaft of the other machine. usually
the stationary machine.
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