. A Country’s Government has approved a relocation plan for a section of its population to inhabit a 3-island portion. Design a hypothetical Telecommunication network(Fixed and mobility consideration) for both internal and external communication.
Consider the following
1. Islands location is 5000km from the main land
2. Islands are equidistant from one another
3. Accessibility by water transport
4. Government very resourceful – enough money
5. A lot of economic activity on the Islands (billions of dollars annually)
6. 1.5 million population with 80% adults
7. 120-kilometre bridge links the three islands
The following topologies are the most widely used:
1. Hierarchical Network
2. Star Network
3. Ring Network
4. Bus Network
Hierarchical Network:
a. A corporate host computer (often a mainframe), divisional minicomputers or powerful workstations, and workgroup support via micros.
b. This topology matches the organizational structure of many firms and is still frequently used in WANs.
c. The user workstations may be, in turn, interconnected using one of the LAN topologies.
Star Network:
a. In a star network, a hub computer or switch (such as a PBX) interconnects a number of workstations.
b. The computer at the hub acts as the network server, providing access to the shared database and software. All communications between the workstations must go through this central mode.
c. The star network is rather easy to manage and expand, since in both cases it is largely the single central node that is affected in an expansion of a processing capacity.
Ring Network:
a. Each node in a ring network is connected to two of its neighbours.
b. The nodes are usually close to one another; this topology is frequently used in LANs.
c. When one node sends a message to another, the message passes through each intermediate node, which restores the signal, as signals deteriorate in transmission.
Bus Network:
a. The nodes on a bus network are connected to a common link such as coaxial cable. This arrangement is used in LANs.
b. A failing device does not affect the rest of the network; failure of the bus itself, of course, brings the network down.
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