1.) What size pipe will maintain a shear stress at the wall of 0.624 psf when water flows through 300 ft of pipe causing a lost head of 20.0 ft?
2.) Compute the critical velocity (lower) for a 100-mm pipe carrying water at 27°C.
3.) Water at 20°C flows in a 100-mm-diameter new cast iron pipe with a velocity of 5.0 m/s. Determine the pressure drop in kPa per 100 m of pipe and the power lost (in kilowatts) to friction.
4.) Water at 38°C flows from A to B through 244 m of average 300-mm-I.D. cast iron pipe (∊ = 0.00061 m). Point B is 9.1 m above A, and the pressure at B must be maintained at 138 kPa. If 0.222 m3/s is to flow through the pipe, what must be the pressure at A?
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