how and why ethical considerations should be part of our everyday conduct as public relations professionals.
The essential aspects of the professional ethics of a public relations specialist are enshrined in the relevant codes (from the Latin "codex" - a book - a legislative act containing systematized norms of any industry, several branches) of professional ethics: the Venice Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics (1961. ); Code of Athens (1965); Lisbon Code (1978); British Code of Professional Conduct for PR Institute (1986); Russian Code of Professional and Ethical Principles in Public Relations (2001).
A public relations consultant is an agent who introduces an idea into the public consciousness using modern means and the group structure of society. However, his activities are not limited to this. He works with strategies, doctrines, systems, and opinions and obtains public support for them. He also works with more material things, for example, with industrial products and raw materials. His field of activity includes utilities, large trade groups, and associations representing entire industries, hence the image of the firm that he represents is his personal set of ethical values.
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