The Ministry of Industry and Trade wants to review the Youth Entrepreneurial Scheme (YES) implemented by the Ministry some five years ago. (a) Develop a research question to address the impact of the programme in the national income, export trade, local employment and GDP growth. (b) Outline your dependent variable (DV) and the independent variables (IV) from the research question. (c) Construct a simple economic model and econometric model and identify the parameters to be estimated
The assessment of regional indicators affecting the development of youth entrepreneurship is carried out according to the following formula:
Sum2 = kdDn + kqsQSn + kyУn + kqcQСn + kvVINn,
where Dn is an indicator of the presence in the region of a target program document in the field of entrepreneurship and youth policy, with a mention of the need to develop youth entrepreneurship; QSn is an indicator of the number of students per 10,000 people of the region's population; Уn - an indicator of the unemployment rate in the region; QСn - indicator of the number of small businesses per 10,000 people of the region's population; VINn is an indicator of the volume of innovative goods, works and services, produced in the region,% of the total; kd, kqs, ky, kqc, kv are the coefficients of the linear model corresponding to each indicator.
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