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21.04.17, 19:10
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justin naidoo
21.04.17, 18:13
Suppose that you are the managing director of a firm that supplies
three goods: laptops, USB drives and external hard drives. The price
elasticity of the demand for laptops is 2.0; for USB drives it is 1,
00; and for external hard drives it is 0, 53. The firm is experiencing
serious cash flow problems and you have to increase total revenue as
soon as possible. You are in a position to set the prices for these
goods. What would be your pricing strategy for each product? Motivate
your decisions.
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Dear visitor, please use panel for submitting new questions
Suppose that you are the managing director of a firm that supplies three goods: laptops, USB drives and external hard drives. The price elasticity of the demand for laptops is 2.0; for USB drives it is 1, 00; and for external hard drives it is 0, 53. The firm is experiencing serious cash flow problems and you have to increase total revenue as soon as possible. You are in a position to set the prices for these goods. What would be your pricing strategy for each product? Motivate your decisions.
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