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Assignment Expert
19.10.18, 18:07
Dear Muhammad Adil, please use panel to submit new questions.
Muhammad Adil
19.10.18, 15:34
The demand function for a cola-type soft drink in general is Q = 20 -
2P, where Q stands for quantity and P stands for price. a. Calculate
point elasticities at prices of 5 and 9. Is the demand curve elastic
or inelastic at these points? b. Calculate arc elasticity at the
interval between P = 5 and P = 6. c. At which price would a change in
price and quantity result in approximately no change
Assignment Expert
29.03.12, 17:11
It's given that& q= 20 – 2P So we can find derivative
28.03.12, 12:48
How do you the Q/P = -2 in the point elasticity equation?
Assignment Expert
14.10.11, 18:35
You are welcome. We're pleased to help you
19.09.11, 14:34
Good .Thanks
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Dear Muhammad Adil, please use panel to submit new questions.
The demand function for a cola-type soft drink in general is Q = 20 - 2P, where Q stands for quantity and P stands for price. a. Calculate point elasticities at prices of 5 and 9. Is the demand curve elastic or inelastic at these points? b. Calculate arc elasticity at the interval between P = 5 and P = 6. c. At which price would a change in price and quantity result in approximately no change
It's given that& q= 20 – 2P So we can find derivative dq/dp=d(20-2p)/dp=-2
How do you the Q/P = -2 in the point elasticity equation?
You are welcome. We're pleased to help you
Good .Thanks
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