Show that the quantity of labor(X1) and capital(X2) that a firm demands decreases with a factor’s own factor price (w for labor and r for capital) and increases with the output price (P) when the production function is a Cobb-Douglas of the form q=AX1αX2β
Given the Cobb Douglas equation:
"Q=AX_1^\\alpha X_2^\\beta"
For a given amount of labor and capital, the ratio "\\frac{Q}{K}" is the average amount of production for one unit of capital.
The change in production when labor is fixed and capital changes from "K" to "K+\u2206K" is:
Dividing this quantity by "\u2206K" gives the change in the production per unit change in capital.
Taking the limit with infinitesimal changes in capital:
"\\frac{\\delta Q}{\\delta K}" is the marginal product of capital and "\\frac{\\delta Q}{\\delta L}" is the marginal product of labor.
"\\frac{\\delta Q}{\\delta K}=\\beta AL^\\alpha K^{\\beta-1}=\\frac{\\beta Q}{K}"
"\\frac{\\delta Q}{\\delta L}=\\alpha AL^{\\alpha -1} K^\\beta= \\frac{\\alpha Q}{K}"
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