The Cobb- Douglas production function is given by the form Y = A La Kb
Where, Y = Output (mt/day), L = Labour (hours/mt) K = Capita (Rs/mt). By taking the natural logarithm of each term in the function, that is LnY = LnA+aLnL+bLnK. Using a standard multiple linear regression model the parameters of the function were obtained as follows;
Ln Y = 4.45 +0.5LnL + 0.4LnK
(2.2) (0.01) (0.02)
The standard error for each estimated parameter is shown in parentheses below the estimate.
Construct equation for Cobb- Douglas production function and briefly explain the properties of this production function (4 marks)
Measure marginal product of labour and average product of capital when L=10 and K=5 (3 marks)
Is this production function exhibit the law of diminishing returns in the short run? (3 marks)
Ln Y = 4.45 +0.5LnL + 0.4LnK
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. labour we get:
Elasticity of labour "=""\\frac{dY}{DL}""\\times""\\frac{L}{Y}"
E(L)="\\frac{0.5Y}{L}" "\\times" "\\frac{L}{Y}"
Elasticity of capital ="\\frac{dY}{dK}\\times\\frac{K}{Y}"
Differentiating output equation w.r.t to capital we get
Putting in elasticity equation we get;
Therefore, cobb douglas function is given by
Q = 4.45L0.5K0.4
properties of Cobb-Douglas production function
marginal product of labour
MPL is calculated by partially differentiating the cobb douglas function w.r.t. to L
MPL= 2.225 L-0.5K0.4
But L=10 and K= 5
Therefore MPL = 1.354
average product of capital
APK= "\\frac{Q}{K}" = ALαKβ-1
APK= 4.45L0.5K-0.6
But L=10 and K= 5
APK = 4.45 * 100.5*5-0.6
APK = 5.36
This function exhibits the law of diminishing returns in the short run since the variables of labor and capital are varied in isolation.
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