Consider a simple quasi-linear utility function of the form "U(x,y)=x+ln(y)" . For this problem, assume that you have “enough” income, so that the optimal consumption bundle is where: "x,y>0" .using Lagrange function to derive that "y=PxPy" , (price of x over the price of y) and "x=MPx\u22121" (M is income). In general, for preferences that are quasi-linear in "x(y)" it holds true that:
Overall effect = Substitution effect, if in the initial situation both goods or if only good "y(x)" are consumed.
Overall effect = Income effect, if in the initial situation only good "x(y)" is consumed.
Substitution effect= "x(p(x)\u2032,m\u2032)\u2212x(p(x),m)"
Income effect= "x(p(x)\u2032,m)\u2212x(p(x)\u2032,m\u2032)"
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