Oligopolies are characterized by high barriers to entry with firms choosing pricing, output, and other decisions strategically based on:
Intangible aspects of a differentiated product may be:
Product differentiation:
The monopolistic competitor can:
4 Decisions of other firms in the market.
Oligopolists can be stuck between two temptations; they can either collaborate with other firms and work as a single monopoly or they can individually compete with other firms in the market in order to gain profits.
5 Services like free delivery.
Firms can try to offer services like free delivery for their products in order to make them look different from their competitors. This is one of the intangible aspects to differentiate their products from other firms.
6 May occur in the minds of buyers.
Product differentiation occurs in the minds of buyers, for example, advertising has the potential to influence these intangible preferences. for instance, buyers may prefer Johny walker alcoholic drink over Tusker not because they can notice the differences but from the product advertisements.
7 Both answers B and C above.
Any consumer will opt not to buy the product at all if a monopolistic competitor increases its price, while others will choose to buy a similar product from another company. If a monopolistic competitor increases its price, it can lose more customers than a perfectly competitive company, but not as many as a monopoly that raises its prices. This explains why a monopolistic competitor's demand curve is not linear, but rather downward-sloping.
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