Find out the financial position of your family by calculating the Income and Expenditure
data. Clearly mention if you find any savings? Discuss the possibilities of Loan in case of
excess expenditures?
Dept of public health ($) Family business($) Total
Salaries 15000 50000 65000
Fringe 200 3000 4000
Food stuff 1500 2000 3500
phone 500 1000 1500
wifi 300 500 800
insurance 400 800 1200
rent 1500 4000 5500
Total 6700 61300 81500
Expenditure: 4000+3500+1500+800+1200+5500= $16500
Income : $65000
65000-16500= $48500
Savings: 4000
48500+4000= $52500
There is no need for loan
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