The impact of COVID‐19 on demand can also be analysed by looking at the problem of utility maximization. Assume that a Dutch tourist derives utility from flying to the US and to Canada
(C). Her utility function equals U (US,C)= 1/2US^2/3*C^1/3 . The prices for flights are P us and P c, respectively, and the tourist’s budget for flights to the American continent is Y.
If the relative price of US and C equals 2, how many flights will the tourist buy of each type (as a function of her budget and prices)? Explain your answer, showing all appropriate derivations.
Utility is maximized, when MUus/MUc = Pus/Pc and all the budget is spent on these two goods.
Pus/Pc = 2.
"MUus = U'(US) = (1\/2US^{2\/3}*C^{1\/3})' = 1\/3*(C\/US)^{1\/3}"
"MUc = U'(C) = 1\/6*(US\/C)^{2\/3}"
"\\frac{1\/3*(C\/US)^{1\/3}}{1\/6*(US\/C)^{2\/3}} = 2,"
C/US = 1 or C = US.
So, the tourist will by the same number of flights of each type.
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