Question 1: Given the utility function u = Axayb subject to the budget constraint Pxx + Pyy = B, prove that at the point of constrained utility maximization the ratio of prices Px / Py must equal the ratio of marginal utilities MUx/MUy.
Question 2: Consider the utility surface for two goods A and B: U = AB - 2A2 - B2 + 14B
What is the maximum utility level achieved?
Question 1
To obtain the greatest utility the consumer should allocate money income so that the last dollar spent on each good or service yields the same marginal utility.
So, Px / Py = MUx/MUy or MUx/Px = MUy/Py.
Question 2
If U = AB - 2A2 - B2 + 14B, then the utility is maximized when MUa/Pa = MUb/Pb.
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