The demand and supply functions for three (03) goods are given as follows:
Dx = 100-3Px+Py+3Pz
Dy = 80+Px-2Py-Pz
Dz = 120+3Px-Py-4Pz
Sx = -10+Px
Sy = -20+3Py
Sz = -30+2Pz
determineThe equilibrium prices and quantities of all three goods are?
The government decides to:
Impose a 25% Tax on X?
Impose a 5 Rs /unit Tax on Y?
Give a 10% subsidy on good z?
Analyze the impact of each of these policies separately on equilibrium prices and quantities?
Also calculate changes in consumer and producer surpluses, and amount of revenue earned by the government?
Repeat this exercise when policies (a, b), (b, c) and (a, b, c) are jointly implemented. Which policy choice is best? Why?
Provide theoretical justification (using diagrams) of all results obtained?
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