"\\bold {Opportunity \\space Cost}"
Opportunity cost is the value of the next best alternative forgone. Construction of the new bridge will bring the following opportunity costs:
• Disruption of business and revenue loses by businesses who were operating near old bridge, who shall be dislocated and relocated.
• the value of investments and projects that the government could have pursued had it not constructed the bridge.
• Value of goods and services the government could have enjoyed or produced with the revenue had it not build the bridge.
• A temporal loss of calmness, tranquility, and low pollution due to increased land, noise, and air pollution associated with the bridge construction.
• markets distortions and loss of economic efficiency in markets as a result of increased income tax expense.
• The forgone economic welfare, consumer surplus and producer surplus, eroded by price adjustments due to new tax income.
• A decrease in living standards and forgone demand driven business investments and production due to a fall in disposable income and living standards as a result of new income tax.
"\\bold {Likely \\space benefits \\space of \\space new \\space bridge}"
The new bridge will bring benefits to both shoppers, businesses, workers, and commuters in general. The following are some of the benefits.
• A reduction in congestion in the city
• A reduction in travel time to and from the city center for both workers, shoppers, and other commuters
• A reduction in noise and air pollution in the city due reduced congestion.
• improvement in business efficiency to business people as orders purchase and delivery speed increase due to reduced congestion.
• Increased orderliness in the city as vehicles quickly clear.
• Shopping experience by customers increase as they can quickly travel.
• Shop owners revenues boost as sales increase due to increase in customers who had been shopping in other areas before, avoiding delays due to congestion.
"\\bold {Other \\space factors \\space to \\space consider }"
Government must also consider,
• The availability of space for the construction of the new bridge. Consider how much businesses and infrastructure shall be destroyed in the process.
• Must consider the availability of alternative exit points for vehicles during the construction process.
• must consider the amount of time required to complete the bridge and the available alternatives for the nearby businesses affected during the process.
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